Thursday, December 29, 2011

How can i delete google maps?

I just got the blackberry 8703 and i love it a lot but the only thing that i do not like is how do i delete some thing that i have downlowdid aka google maps. i have google maps on my pc at home and it dos say that it can suport it but it just gos white wen i clik on the icon on the man skreen how can i fix this big problum of min. Should i redownlowed it to see if it will work then. I am consurn about the ram that it has it cam with 64MB. can i add more to this modle that i have it is a 8703. just tell me how to get rid of this google maps on my blackerry help me with this problumn of mine help help me just tell how to get rid og it and or how to fix it. is there a way that i can add more ram like a 1gig or 2gig just help or a web sit to go to that will help me. How one more thing it allso givs me this err it sas .Uncaught exception Process gmaps$2d153$2dm2_L1(334) killed due to message pueue overflow. What dos that meen tell me plzzz fix must fix. just hwlp me:) have a goood day%26gt;|||i don't know if you can.

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