Friday, January 20, 2012

Fault Line on My Property? (Pictures Linked) Please Help!?

I own a Land parcel north of the City of Coachella, CA. I've been informed that there may be a fault line running through the parcel. I've contacted a majority of officials but none can tell me if it is or decipher the map i have linked. Please help. Below is a link to the fault activity mapping service and a downloadable key which i cannot figure out. The property is above the city of coachella,ca and is indigated by the GREEN HIGHLIGHTED LINES, which may or may not be an ACTIVE FAULT LINE.

Please check out these pictures to help you out. I greatly appreciate the help. Thank You. Line on My Property? (Pictures Linked) Please Help!?
The Banning Fault, which is a recently-activated offshoot of the San Andreas, runs straight through Coachella Valley. The Banning Fault itself has numerous smaller offshoots. Based on the map you provided, it doesn't go through your property or potential property, whatever it is. Seems pretty obvious, the lines don't go through the outlined property.

However, it doesn't really matter. If there's an earthquake on that fault, the 500 feet (as per the scale given) of offset isn't going to make a difference for you, save for the immediate possible bending of your fence, or if you'd managed to set a house down right on top of it. You're going to feel it 500 feet away exactly as you would have if you'd been on top of it.

So, what, insurance reasons or something? But that's your answer.

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